Raglan Arts and Culture

If you’re looking for some of the best art the Waikato region has to offer, you will find plenty of it in Raglan. Picturesque landscapes, a laid-back atmosphere and a healthy dose of kiwi hospitality have enticed some of the country’s best artists and artisans to this coastal town, creating a thriving arts scene.

Raglan’s art community draws inspiration from the natural surroundings – the sea, the shore, waterfalls, cliffs, caves, and some of the best beaches in New Zealand. This striking landscape has combined with the locals’ love of water sports, walking and fishing to inspire photographers, potters, painters, poets, tailors and all manner of other artists from across the Waikato region and world.

Raglan Old School Arts Centre

Te Whare Toi o Te Kura Tawhito
5 Stewart Street, Raglan
phone 07 825 0023

Raglan iHub 2023 banner

Raglan Museum

Entry to Raglan & District Museum is through Raglan Information located on the right side of the museum building at 15 Wainui Road, Raglan.
Car Parking:
Free parking is available in the museum car park and on Wainui Road.
School and Group Visits
We welcome pre-arranged visits from schools and groups. Please see our information page for details on arranging a school or group visit.
Opening hours
Current open hours are 10am – 3pm and entry Adults $5 and Kids $2, pre-schoolers free
EFTPOS available.
Closed: Christmas Day and morning of ANZAC DAY
15 Wainui Road, Raglan, Waikato
Click here to visit the Raglan Museum website
Raglan Museum 2023 hours and website link