Getting around in Raglan
Just to the west of Hamilton, Raglan is ideally situated in the Waikato region. Getting here and exploring the area is easy with these transport options.
Find local transport and shuttle operators below.

Driving to Raglan
From Auckland
Leave SH 1 at Ngaruawahia and take SH 39 to Whatawhata. Turn right onto SH 23 at Whatawhata.
Driving time: 2hrs + depending on Auckland traffic.
From Hamilton
Take SH 23.
Driving time: Approximately 45 minutes.
If you’re an overseas visitor check out these friendly driving tips for driving safely in New Zealand.

By Plane
Raglan Airfield
Small plane pilots can fly direct to Raglan Airfield, which is adjacent to the camping ground.
For information click here.
By Bus
To pick up the bus to Raglan you’ll need to first make your way to Hamilton.
For national bus timetables check or
Change at the Hamilton Bus Terminal, on the corner of Anglesea and Bryce Streets, to pick up the Route 23 bus to Raglan. This service runs three times a day Monday-Friday and twice a day on Saturdays. There is currently no service running on Sundays or public holidays.
Find detailed bus information on the BusIt website.
Brand new, larger silver and blue buses have replaced the old Raglan, Raglan Assist and Whatawhata buses.
The new buses are fully air-conditioned, have increased luggage space on board, and have free WIFI and USB charging points. They also have CCTV.